
FBSI Chronicles - Laro Files - Book # 2

Special Space Agent Djay Laro finds himself in a chaotic, dire situation. He has been exposed as an undercover cop, is being pursued by the criminal organization in which he was infiltrated; his FBSI superiors doubt his loyalty while his colleagues are afraid to trust him. But all this is not Laro's biggest problem ...

Problems are to be expected, but they are always inconvenient

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Turmoil / Eduard Meinema

Special Space Agent Djay Laro finds himself in a chaotic, dire situation.

Laro has been exposed as an undercover cop and is being pursued by the criminal organization in which he was infiltrated; his FBSI superiors, on the other hand, doubt his loyalty and his role in the undercover operation on Viridis, while his immediate colleagues are afraid to trust him completely.

But all this is not Laro's biggest problem ...

The presence of the Sepulchrians, a until recently unknown people, pushes all parties to their limits.

The situation is already explosive, but when the enemy of the Sepulchrians makes an appearance, the situation threatens to become untenable ...


Book # 2

Original title

First Edition

2021, USA.


Independent / Transfiction


Dutch title


First edition in the Netherlands

October 5, 2021.


Words: 60,000 Pages: 254

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